Hey y’all! We actually have TONS of content already written that we can’t wait for you to enjoy 🙂 We were first so focused on getting Ramona restored that we hadn’t had extra time to post, and now with traveling full time, well.. we just haven’t made it a priority yet! 😉 But come back often as we are getting caught up, and follow our Instagram to see our adventures in real-time!

Blue Ridge Parkway
We traveled along the North Carolina section of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We camped along the way and enjoyed hiking and exploring.

West Virginia Boondocking
As we drove through the rolling green hills then the thick woods of West Virginia, our excitement rose higher and higher with each mile. After all the months of hard work restoring the Airstream, after

The Heart of America
We spent a few quick back to back drive days getting across the midwest. I didn’t expect much more than wheat fields, but it turns out the Heart of America is quite beautiful. Once we

First Stop: Colorado
In my last blog, I said we were done. Of course, we weren’t actually done… Are we ever done? We were done enough to live in the Airstream and we were mentally and emotionally done

And we’re off!
I hope I can always remember what this day felt like. I hope I can always remember the way we exhaled a year and a half of really hard work to get to this day.

Havelock Wool for our Airstream insulation
Back in the first weeks of our renovation in the demo phase we took down the skins and removed all the old pink fiberglass insulation. It was terrible. It was toxic and filthy. I wore

Airstream Restoration Step 3 & 16: Belly Pan
Airstream Belly Pan Removal Removing the belly was straight forward enough. The seam of the side panels and banana wraps is under the rub rails, so we took those off first by drilling out the

Airstream Restoration Step 2: Removing Skins and Insulation
Once we had the interior furnishings and parts removed the next step was to take out the walls (they’re called skins but I’m just learning all the Airstream lingo as we go.) I am happy

Airstream Restoration Step 1: Demo
After a blissful season of memory-making travels with Ramona, it was finally time to start our renovation project. Step one: Take out all the things. On demo day Tom and I stood in the trailer

Meet Ramona, our Vintage Airstream
Ramona is a 24 foot 1973 Tradewind Land Yacht. It’s easy to find vintage Airstreams that are beyond their glory days after sitting in a field for 30 years or ones that are ripped apart

The Start to Our Grand Adventure
This whole airstream adventure started when I was just a kid having a movie night with my mom. I loved the movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. In this wonderful film, a caravan of Airstreams rolls